Adult social care services in Bolton work with people with a care or support need to help them have choice and control over their own life. Services we deliver will: 

  • listen to you  
  • have conversations with you about what you can do rather than what you can't do
  • look at what you enjoy doing and what you want to do
  • explain how services and health and care services work
  • help you to plan for your health and care needs

We have lots of different services that work together to deliver our vision for Adult Social Care in Bolton. These may be provided by: 

  • Bolton council 
  • Public sector partners (e.g. Bolton NHS foundation trust or Greater Manchester mental health trust) 
  • A partner from the private or voluntary sector who we pay to deliver services on our behalf. Ssome will be free of charge for you to access, others may be subsidised so it costs less for you  
  • A business or voluntary sector organisation/group who you can buy services from, or may offer you free services

Which services you access will depend on what care support needs you have and what you think will work best for you. If you have a social care needs assessment we can help you to put a care and support plan in place.

Everyone's needs will be different, so it is usual that services and support are accessed at different times. For example, one person may have their needs met through an information and advice offer for years without the need for any other services, where as someone else's circumstances may mean that they only have a generic information and advice offer for a few weeks before benefitting from accessing services that offer equipment or adaptations for their home.

To help explain our services, it may be useful to think about these 5 broad categories: