We have lots of different services that work together to deliver adult social care in Bolton. These may be provided by: 

  • Bolton council 
  • public sector partners (e.g. Bolton NHS Foundation Trust or Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust) 
  • a partner from the private or voluntary sector who we pay to deliver services on our behalf. Some will be free of charge for you to access, others may be subsidised, so it costs less for you  
  • a business or voluntary sector organisation or group who you can buy services from, or may offer you free services

Personalising your living well offer

Everyone's needs will be different, so it is usual that services and support are accessed at different times. Which services you access will depend on what care support needs you have and what you think will work best for you. If you have a social care needs assessment, we can help you to put a care and support plan in place. 

Our 'live well' approach means that you will continue to have services and support to tap into whilst you wait for a social care needs assessment or carers assessment. Our 'live well' offer includes: 

You can also access information and advice from partner services such as: