Sometimes it is necessary for people to have short term care, to support their rehabilitation, or as a short break for those who live at home. These facilities are:

Laburnum Lodge (Tel: 01204 335455)

Laburnum Lodge provides 24-hour intermediate nursing and residential care for up to 32 service users who require continuation of care and rehabilitation, but who no longer need 24-hour access to hospital treatment.

The service is registered with CQC and the Council is the registered provider. The responsible individual is Rachel Tanner, the Director of Social Care; supported by an Assistant Director, Reactive Care Lead, Head of Service and Matron. There is a CQC registered Manager in place for Laburnum Lodge, employed by the Council.

The NHS work in partnership with Bolton Council Local Authority and support the Unit by providing specialist GP, nursing and therapy input during daytime hours. We use a holistic approach, so have the support of pharmacy and social work teams.

The aim of the Unit is to support service users to regain their independence and return home following a period of rehabilitation and recuperation and live as independently as possible. Should home no longer be an option, you will be supported to make decisions about your long-term needs. Length of stay is dependent on each individual, which is approximately 7-14 days.

This provision is rated as ‘Good’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).


Wilfred Geere (01204 337839)

Wilfred Geere House provides 24-hour residential intermediate care for up to 28 service users who require continuation of care and rehabilitation, but who no longer need 24-hour access to medical/nursing care.

The service is registered with CQC and the Council is the registered provider. The responsible individual is Rachel Tanner, the Director of Social Care; supported by an Assistant Director, Reactive Care Lead, Head of Service and Matron. There is a CQC registered Manager in place for Wilfred Geere House, employed by the Council.

The NHS work in partnership with Bolton Council Local Authority and support the Unit by providing therapy input during daytime hours. District Nurses offer support when required.

The aim of the Unit is to support service users to regain their independence and return home following a period of rehabilitation and recuperation and live as independently as possible. Should home no longer be an option, you will be supported to make decisions about your long-term needs.  Length of stay is dependent on each individual, which is approximately 7-14 days.

This provision is rated as ‘Good’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).


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Monitoring the quality of care homes

To access free, independent reports on the quality of your local homes and care services and help you make an informed choice, please visit the Care Quality Commission website.