What happens in an assessment or review?

Adult social care services in Bolton work with people with a care or support need (or their carer) to help them have choice and control over their own life. Services we deliver will:  

  • have conversations with you about what you can do rather than what you can’t do  
  • listen to you   
  • look at what you enjoy doing and what you want to do  
  • explore the options your local community provides  
  • explain how health and care services work  
  • help you to plan for your health and care needs 

The assessment process will identify whether you need help, and you will receive a copy of your assessment. If you have eligible care and support needs a plan will be created with you to summarise what support meets your needs. Some support is chargeable. If this is the case you will be offered a financial needs assessment to look at whether you might be able to receive financial support to meet your care needs. Which services you access will depend on what care support needs you have and what you think will work best for you. 

Everyone's needs will be different, so it is usual that services and support are accessed at different times. For example, one person may have their needs met through information and advice without the need for any other services, whereas someone else's needs may mean that they need to access formal care services or may benefit from accessing services that offer equipment or adaptations for their home. Some people may require a combination of all to help meet their needs.