Support whilst you wait for services

Support whilst you wait for services
Our parents and carers in Bolton tell us that it is really important that support is provided at the point of need rather than waiting for a diagnosis. Bolton Parent Carer Forum Annual Report 2023.
We know that some families wait for assessment and treatment in many of our health services.
The information on this page will help you find good quality and relevant information that you can access whilst you wait.
0-19/25 Public Health Nursing Service
The 0-19 service focuses on prevention and early intervention to improve the health and wellbeing of children and their families.
The service is delivered to children and young people aged 0-19 and their families, or up to 25 if they have special educational needs.
The service is initially offered from 28 weeks of pregnancy, continuing right through until the end of formal education, this can be extended to the age of 25, for young people with additional needs, or who are being supported by the Leaving Care Team. This service currently includes:
- Adolescent health and wellbeing
- Early years communication and language development service
- Enhancing families
- Healthy families
- Public health nursing – including health visitors and school nurses
- School aged immunisations
- Sexual and reproductive health
- Bolton start well family hubs
Find out more on their website.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects how people thinks, learns and processes information differently. People with ADHD can seem restless, may have trouble concentrating and may act on impulse.
We have a new ADHD pathway in Bolton which describes expected practice in relation to children and young people who may have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is recognised that early identification and a needs led approach supports better outcomes for children and young people with a diagnosis of ADHD. The pathway focuses particularly on the importance of joint working among professionals when ADHD is suspected.
There are lots of resources you can access whilst this is considered:
In Bolton we have a range of services you can access whilst you wait. Waiting times for this pathway can be long, please remember that lots of services can be accessed without having an autism diagnosis. You can find out more about these services by clicking this link:
Autism – Be Kind To My Mind – please skip to the bottom of the page for a document which includes a range of local, regional and national support available for parents and carers of a child with Autism.
Please also see this website for information about autism and diagnosis:
Introducing Autism - Autism Understood
Bekindtomymind is a Bolton campaign to help reduce the stigma around mental health. A website has been designed by young people in Bolton for young people. A range of information and resources can be accessed on the website which offers support and advice for a range of mental health conditions. The website can also signpost young people to where they can find support.
The bekindtomymind website can be accessed using the following link:
Bolton Together and iTHRIVE:
Bolton Together and iTHRIVE is the children and young people’s voluntary and community sector consortium for Bolton. Children and young people can access emotional health and wellbeing support through Bolton Together.
Bolton Together information can be accessed via their website:
Parents and children can text a healthcare professional for advice and support from ChatHealth. ChatHealth is available between 8.00am-8.00pm Monday-Friday (including school holidays and excluding bank holidays) and can be accessed by texting 07507 331753.
Further information can be found on
Kooth is an online anonymous mental health counselling and support for young people aged 11 to 25 in Bolton. It provides 1:1 text based counselling which is available Monday to Friday 12pm – 10pm and Saturday and Sunday 6pm – 10pm. Forums can be accessed along with self-help support.
Further information can be accessed via the Kooth website:
Qwell is an online support for parents aged 26 and over in Bolton who are concerned about their child’s wellbeing. Parents under 26 can access the same support from Kooth.
Further information can be accessed via the Qwell website:
Speech and Language Therapy
The speech and language service is made up of multiple teams who see adults and children with a range of communication and swallowing difficulties.
The Speech and Language Therapy Service will assess, diagnose and develop an individualised programme of care to maximise the communication potential of the children and young people referred to them and under their care.
The Speech and Language Therapy Tool Kit includes resources to support children’s speech, language and communication skills.