Transport assistance

Transport assistance


Transport assistance

What is it?

Parents and carers must ensure that children attend school and have the necessary travel arrangements. However, for some children and young people, independent travel is not always possible and transport assistance may be required. 

We can provide assistance with travel from home to school and college for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Assessments will be undertaken on an individual basis before offering the most appropriate support that meets their needs. If Bolton Council agrees to provide a travel solution to access education it will be provided in a safe and cost effective manner, taking account of the child and young person’s specific needs and having regard to the best use of the Council’s resources.

Travel solutions include:

•  Travel pass - A free pass for use on public transport. This may also be provided for a parent/carer or another travel buddy (e.g., Relative, Sibling or peer) to support the child/young person to access education.

•  Personal Travel Budget (PTB) - A payment to a parent/carer that enables them to arrange home to school travel in a way that suits them.  Find more details in the PTB information booklet.

• Supported public transport - Where a pupil can travel on public transport with some assistance, but their parent/carer is unable to accompany them, Bolton Council may provide a Travel Assistant.

• Multiple pick-up vehicles, including pick-up points - Young people will travel together in vehicles, which will be specially adapted to meet the needs of the pupils travelling on them.

The travel solution will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that the support offered continues to meet the needs of the child/young person.

Applications for travel assistance must be submitted at transition points for:

• Nursery to Primary

• Primary to Secondary

• Secondary to Post 16

This will include a review of the child/young person’s needs and the travel solution.  At this stage alternative travel solutions may be discussed.

Support for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities

Bolton Council's SENDAS Transport Policy outlines the support available for children and young people with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND), living in Bolton, to enable them to access education.

The policy covers transport assistance to nursery, school, 6th form and further education college.

It is reviewed annually for each academic year.

How do I apply?

Travel assistance can be applied for pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), or pupils without an EHCP who have a medical need that makes them unable to travel to school unaided.

Travel assistance can also be applied for pupils aged 16 and over, who have a special educational need (SEN), or medical need which makes them unable to travel to school or college unaided.

Please take a look at ‘Assistance with transport cost to school and college’ for further details.