PfA overview

Preparing for adulthood (PfA) overview
Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) supports young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and their families, plan for the transition into becoming an adult.
Access to the right information at the right time will help young people and families to plan and make choices that meet individual needs.
The focus will be on:
- Employment - including exploring different employment options, such as support for becoming self-employed and help from supported employment agencies.
- Independent Living - this means young people have choice, control and freedom over their lives and the support they have, their accommodation and living arrangements, including supported living.
- Friends, Relationships and Community - including having friends and supportive relationships, and participating in, and contributing to, the local community.
- Good Health - ensuring young people are supported to manage their own health as much as possible, and know about the services available including the annual health check.
When does the process start?
The preparing for adulthood pathway starts when a young person is in year 9 (13 or 14 years old) and continues until they leave school.
During year 9, there will be opportunities for young people and their families to talk about choices for post 16 pathways into further learning or employment. The most appropriate pathway for the young person will be identified.
Transition support from other agencies may continue until the young person is 25.
We have worked with young people, parents and carers, housing, schools, colleges and employers to develop local 'Post 16 preparing for adulthood' processes to meet the needs of young people with SEND.
This process will be reviewed frequently to ensure it continues to reflect any changes to meet the needs.
Pathway for preparing for adulthood
Who will be involved?
The young person and their views will be central to all planning processes. Key people from the school or college, family, representatives from the council and professionals working with the young person who have a good understanding about what is available, will all be involved in preparing for adulthood.
The Local Offer
Along with health services, parents and young people, we have all been involved in developing Bolton's local offer.
The local offer is continually being developed to include more support and services as they are made available.
Help finding work for young people with learning difficulties
Specialist Independent Colleges may provide employability programmes for young people with an EHC Plan. For more information, please look at the information provided by the college themselves.
Help and support for young disabled people to find and stay in work
Information on provides links to help young disabled people find and stay in work. It is aimed at young disabled people, their parents and the professionals who work with them.
There is also a routes into work guide, with useful information about options for young people with SEND to help them move into employment.
Institutions approved under section 41
A list of independent schools for pupils with special educational needs, including those approved under section 41 of the Children and Families Act can be found on
BEEconnected is an app that provides help and advice for care experienced young people throughout Greater Manchester.

The features include:
- Lists and individual information of local service providers
- Information pages on a range of different subjects
- Entire app available in multiple languages