Phased transfers

Phased transfers
For children / young people moving on to a different phase of education, with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) already finalised, their EHCP must be reviewed and amended at the Annual Review. This is called the ‘Phase Transfer’ process.
This process is managed by the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Assessment Service (SENDAS) team, and runs alongside the normal admissions processes for Bolton.
For post 16 transfer placement, application must also be made direct to the college the young person wishes to attend.
Children included in the Phase Transfer process, are those children:
- starting school
- moving from Infant to junior school
- moving from primary to secondary school
- moving into post 16 provision
The 15th February each year is the statutory deadline for naming a placement for the following September for children with EHCPs starting school in reception, children in infant school moving to junior school, and those in year 6 transferring to secondary school. For young people with EHCPs moving to post 16 provisions, the deadline is 31st March.
After the Phase Transfer Annual Review, the EHCP will usually state that your child will continue to attend their current setting until the end of the academic year. A further amended EHCP will be issued in line with the statutory deadlines above, naming the setting or type of setting your child will attend from the start of the next academic year.
If a child/young person is undergoing an EHC assessment within the statutory dates above, and an EHCP is issued, the phased transfer school will also be named in the EHCP.
Deciding on a school
You can find out more about any school’s approach to SEND before you visit. All schools have information available on how they support and include children with additional needs. Schools must publish this information to help parents like you when you are choosing a school.
Look on the school's own website under school policies, or in the section especially for SEND information. The law says there are three key pieces of information on SEND all schools must make available:
- School SEN Information Report - this explains in easy to understand language what help and support for pupils with SEND is on offer and how it is delivered. The report must be written so the information is helpful, clear, and meaningful for parents.
- SEN or SEND Policy - the law says all schools must have policies that describe arrangements for pupils with SEND. SEN policies give technical information and detail on how support is agreed on, arranged, and delivered in the setting.
- Accessibility Policy - all schools must make sure pupils with SEN or disabilities can access the school facilities, and opportunities. The policy will explain how, over time, the school environment will be maintained and made more accessible. It should describe how each setting meets their duties under the Equality Act 2010.
It is strongly advised that parents and pupils visit schools / colleges that they are interested in attending. Attend all the open days of any schools / colleges you may want to consider.
Talk to other young people and parents who have been through the experience, to find out how it was for them and / or their child. Ask if there is anything they wish they had done differently or would have been helpful to know before starting the process.
Speak to the child / young person’s teachers and therapists about their needs, and how these can best be supported within a school / college environment.
Consider the child / young person’s social as well as academic needs. Will they be moving to a school where they know other children? How can any important friendships be maintained?
Keep a list or notes about each school, think of things to ask, write them in a notebook or on a mobile phone so that on the day, they can be referred to. Keeping track of information like this can also be help when comparing schools when deciding.
Contact us
SEND Assessment Service
SENDAS c/o School ICT
Smithills Dean Road
- 01204 331347