You have been contacted as you have received care and support services paid for or arranged by Bolton Council in the last 12 months.

For example, you might live in a care home, attend a day centre, receive a personal budget or direct payment, use our equipment, home care or meals services. 

We want to improve the support we offer to you and would like to hear your views on the services you receive and the impact it has on your life.

Your views are important to us and we would be grateful if you could take about 20 minutes to complete this survey.

The letter you received inviting you to take part in the survey will:

  • show you how the results of the survey will be used
  • explain how your answers will be treated confidentially

For more details about how we will use your information please refer to our adult social care privacy notice.

Thank you for helping us by taking part in this survey.

Complete the survey now