Working with children - SEND

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Working with children - Special Educational Needs and Disability

Inclusive Education and SEND Training Program

We are delighted to offer the courses below  as a part of the Inclusive Education and SEND Training Program:

Good autism practice courses

Early Years Foundation Stage Good Autism Practice in schools and Primary School Good Autism Practice  provide guidance on processes and tools that can help practitioners to implement good autism practice. You will be able to gain practical knowledge, and discover hands-on tools and techniques to support autistic children in your settings.

Collaborative problem solving sessions for primary school SENCOs

 Collaborative problem solving sessions for primary school SENCOs provide a forum for schools to problem solve about individual children’s needs with Social, Emotional, and Mental Health needs. You will leave the session with ideas of inclusive practises to support children within your setting.

More details can be found in the Inclusive Education and SEND training program brochure