Safeguarding training for all professionals working with children, and families in Bolton.
Please see details of safeguarding training courses currently on offer on this page. Some of our safeguarding courses are delivered face to face or online and some are on our Open Access Learning Platform. Once you have your account you will be able to access the following:
- Keeping Children Safe - Basic Awareness is for all people working with children and it is renewable every three years.
- Modern Slavery helps you to learn about child trafficking and slavery and what needs to be done if you spot the signs of it.
- Introduction to Early Help is essential for everyone who works with children and young people to ensure you understand your role in delivering effective Early Help.
- Early Help Induction training is a face to face introductory training on the overview of Early Help and Early Help Processes in Bolton, for all agencies working with children, young people and their families.This course is currently under development and new dates will be advertised shortly
- Early Help Training - Assessment, Analysis and Action Plan is a training for all agencies who work with children, young people and their families who deliver Early Help in Bolton. This course is currently under development and new dates will be advertised shortly
You can access many other Safeguarding courses via the Bolton Multiagency Training brochure. For more information, please go on to the Bolton Safeguarding Children Partnership website.
The Bolton Framework for Action (FFA) is our local safeguarding threshold document. Please follow this link to view the guidance alongside other relevant documents - Working with children and young people - Bolton Safeguarding Children.
Managing Allegations – The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is Lisa Kelly and she should be notified when an allegation is made against a person who work with children. Please see LADO First steps and LADO First Steps for schools and colleges that outline Managing Allegations Procedures that should be followed when the allegation is made. Contact details: tel. 01204 337474 or email:
For further information about the LADO role, please visit Managing allegations – Bolton Safeguarding Children.