Working with children - First aid

Working with children - first aid

Working with children - first aid

There is a variety of different First Aid training courses, the main three are

  • Emergency first aid is a one-day course that provides understanding and practical knowledge of the skills in First Aid and is suitable for thos working with adults. For dates available have a look at our training programme. 
  • Paediatric First Aid is a two day course (12 hours) that focuses on children under the age of 5 but covers all infants and children up to the age of 16. This course is suitable for anyone working with children and can also be undertaken as a blended learning course (online learning and practical learning).
  • First Aid at work is a three day course that is suitable for organisations who employ between 5 and 50 workers. If you employ less than 5 people you will need an appointed person as your first aider. 

We offer various First Aid courses. Please look at our training programmes. If you cannot find what you are looking for there are a number of approved providers who offer the above courses. (When looking for the Paediatric First Aid training, please check that it includes all the elements required by Ofsted. This requirement can be found at Annex A of the EYFS for group and school-based providers and Annex A of the EYFS for childminders)