Working with children - Hospitality & catering

Hospitality and catering

Working with children - hospitality & catering

Food hygiene - the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) states that “you must comply with food safety and hygiene regulations if you provide food and drink for children or babies including meals, snacks, and drinks (apart from mains tap water)”. Find out more about the food hygiene requirements.

  • Food Hygiene Level 2 is suitable for those who are involved in preparing and serving food
  • Food Safety Online Training (non accredited) is available on ME Learning

The FSA has produced the following information packs on food hygiene measures that are relevant to childcare settings: 

Food waste – all businesses that have catering facilities need to follow specific guidance around food waste disposal. Please get familiar with the rules around food waste published by the FSA . 

Charted Institute of Environmental Health has also created the leaflet on the Safe Methods of Disposing the Food Safe method Disposing of food.

All trade waste (including waste oil) needs to be disposed of through a registered waste carrier. In addition to Bolton Council's Commercial waste services who collect trade waste, there are numerous private companies that you can search for via your preferred search engine.