Bolton young carers pledge

“We want to be heard”

Young Carers told us...

We have used nine of our young carers statements that we collected through our combined engagement and surveys across Bolton

  • To play with my friends
  • As young carers we want the same life chances as other young people
  • I want to be heard
  • To be allowed a ‘time-out card’ at school
  • I need more support from school
  • An anonymous young carers helpline, website or app would be good
  • To be able to talk to someone when I’m not feeling too great
  • I want to feel more valued
  • To have some me time

We listened...

What is important to young carers

Based on engagement feedback with our young carers, Bolton Partners have agreed on 10 aims to focus on over the next two years


Increase young carer assessments

  1. Hold engagement sessions to raise awareness of the services and support available to young carers
  2. Work in partnership with young carers to listen to what they have to say in order to ensure that what we offer is what they need
  3. Work with support services to get the support and rewards for our young carers


Supporting young carers to develop a Bolton pledge

  1. Work to reduce the responsibilities of our young carers


Provide additional support to help keep children in training and education

  1. Identify all young carers to ensure they have access to support, and to ensure that their attendance at school is not interrupted by their caring responsibilities
  2. Ensure schools report on the number of pupils who have caring responsibilities
  3. Professionals will work together to help support the family


Ensure children are supported during transition to adulthood

  1. Strive to improve the mental health of young carers
  2. Inform parents/carers about the support services available within the community
  3. Work with schools and colleges to ensure you have support

Four ways to support young carers