
5 priorities and aims

Respect - Recognise and respect carers – respect the carer as the expert

Support - Support all carers – improve and maintain carers health and wellbeing

Identify - Reach unknown carers – work in partnership to identify carers

Trust - Create a culture of trust – combine partners’ visions and values

Accessible - Accessible support – provide the right support at the right time

5 priorities and aims
Respect - Recognise and respect carers – respect the carer as the expert
Support - Support all carers – improve and maintain carers health and wellbeing
Identify - Reach unknown carers – work in partnership to identify carers
Trust - Create a culture of trust – combine partners’ visions and values
Accessible support – provide the right support at the right time

We have used some of our carers statements that were collated through extensive engagement with our partners, consisting of focus groups, questionnaires and one to ones, that represent how carers feel.

Carers told us...

  • We want to be heard
  • I am able to access information and advice
  • I want to feel more valued for the contribution and recognised as an “expert”  in the care I provide
  • I am supported to remain in work I am listened to and action is taken to address issues and concerns I raise
  • Professionals recognise the importance of the role I provide as a carer
  • I am listened to and action is taken to address issues and concerns I raise
  • I can access a range of quality services and support which meets my needs
  • I am supported to maintain my own health and wellbeing
  • We don’t want to repeat our story
  • We are identified and assessed within a familiar safe space
  • As young carers we want the same life chances as other young people

Carers statements

We listened...

Engaging with our carers across Bolton, as a Partnership we have identified five priorities, which we have agreed to focus on over the next two years, in collaboration with our carers. Based on engagement feedback, Bolton Partners have agreed on four objectives to support each priority over the next two years.

Respect  - Recognise and respect carers

  1. Establish a carers group/forum
  2. Respect and value the carer as the expert
  3. Co-design with carers an information pack
  4. Support carers to access educational and training opportunities

Support  - Support all carers

  1. Increase diverse short breaks packages/options
  2. Offer carers and cared for assessments at the same time
  3. Improve access to information and services e.g. GPs
  4. Enable carers to only have to tell their story once

Identify - Reach unknown carers

  1. Promote the role of the carer through local communities
  2. Identify unknown carers in the community
  3. Work with GP practices, provide carer information packs
  4. Work with a wide range of organisations to identify working carers

Trust - Create a culture of trust

  1. Provide carers with an opportunity to contribute to decision making
  2. Develop carer champions roles
  3. Deliver carers events which are planned by carers and partners
  4. Ensure regular engagement and deliver on agreed actions

Accessible - Accessible support

  1. Ensure information and advice is timely and understandable
  2. Make sure young carers are supported during transition to adulthood
  3. Ensure information and advice is available in the right format
  4. Make additional support available to help keep young carers in employment, training and educatio

The key objectives under each priority