
Bolton Integrated Partnership All Age Carers Strategy recognises that to promote carer health and wellbeing and to reduce the health inequalities that carers experience due to their caring role, it is important that we have shared aims and values across all partners. We are taking a strong partnership approach to ensure that carers in Bolton stay mentally and physically healthy for longer.

All organisations who are partners to this strategy have agreed to:

  • Continue to acknowledge the contribution that carers and young carers in Bolton make, as well as the impact that caring has on carers’ health and wellbeing
  • Promote and implement good practice in the identification of carers and young carers
  • Work together to deliver on our objectives so that we can make the changes and improvements that carers have asked for
  • Work in partnership with others to improve support for carers and young carers
  • Ensure that carers and young carers are acknowledged as expert partners in care
  • Value the skills, knowledge and expertise of our local carers
  • Continue to work towards being ‘carer-friendly’ employers in Bolton