How will we know we’ve made a difference?

Each partner organisation will be responsible for identifying and implementing the actions they will take to support progress against the strategy priorities and objectives. This will be collated into an overarching delivery plan, supported by Bolton’s Carers Integrated Partnership Group. It is important that the Carers Partnership has a way of knowing that the actions and commitments being undertaken are making a difference for carers.

Some of the ways that we will do this include:

  • Carers will be involved in the development of the delivery plan to ensure that identified actions address carers’ priorities
  • We will invite carers to share their experiences at partnership meetings, ensuring that carers’ voices are heard and that they can influence change
  • Partners will report progress against the actions they are taking a lead role on delivering
  • We will work as a partnership on any statutory, Greater Manchester or regional submissions relating to carers or young carers, ensuring that the voice of our carers is captured in our local returns
  • GP practices will make every contact count, will continue to identify carers in a timely manner, and offer an individualised annual health check and appropriate support
  • We will ensure commissioned services share a summary of their performance