Cllr Andrew Morgan


Every unpaid carer in Bolton whether past, present or future makes an invaluable contribution not only to the person they are caring for but also to their local community and Bolton as a whole.

I want to thank each and every one of you for everything you unselfishly do, day in and day out.

More than 25,980* of us are providing unpaid care in Bolton, often alongside work or education, for someone who otherwise couldn’t manage without their help for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to age, illness, disability, addiction or poor mental health.

*Office of National Statistics, census data 2021

Being a carer is an enormous challenge at the best of times, but the past couple of years have been exceptionally difficult for both unpaid and professional carers alike. Everyone in Bolton appreciates, recognises and values your continued efforts.

This strategy can’t come at a better time and is intended to be accessible to everyone. This strategy demonstrates our joint commitment in working together to ensure that all carers have access to the right information and support at the right time, and in the right way.

Cllr Andrew Morgan, Executive Cabinet Member for Adult Services and Safeguarding, Housing Services and Armed Forces Champion