Equality and Diversity - Facts and Figures
General demographic information:
Bolton's joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA) website provides a wealth of information about the health and wellbeing of Bolton people and factors influencing it. The website provides statistical information on the Bolton population, data and information on Bolton as a place (including an indepth look at neighbourhoods), as well as information on population health.
Here are some statisitcs taken from the JNSA and the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
- Bolton's population is 295,963.
- 26% of the population live in an area that is among the 10% most deprived nationally, while 56% live in an area that is among the 30% most deprived.
- There are 145,907 men (49% of the population) and 150,056 women (51%).
- 63, 674 of the population are aged 0-15.
- 30, 992 are 15-24.
- 150, 574 are 25-64
- 50, 721 are 65+.
Pregnancy and Maternity
- There were 3,453 births in 2021.
- 32.8% of births in 2021 were by non-uk born mothers.
- 14,930 stay at home to look after their family / home.
The population is:
- 72% white
- 20% Asian / Asian British
- 4% Black/ Black British / Black Welsh / Carribean / African
- 2% Mixed / Multiple Ethnic groups
- 2% other
- 28% are from communties facing racial inequality.
Marriage Civil Partnerships
- 105,505 are married
- 362 are in civil partnerships
Sexual Orientation and Gender Indentity
- 5,695 LGBT+ Community
- 1,469 residents have a different sex than the one registered at birth
- 26% have no religion
- 47% are Christian
- 20% are Muslim
- 2% are Hindu
- 1% are other religions
- 25,980 are care unpaid carers
- 190 care leavers
- 18% of those aged 16+ have a disability
- 9% have a long term health issue or disability which limits their day to day activities a lot.
Armed Forces Veterans
- There are 7,345 veterans.