Equality and Diversity - Facts and Figures

General demographic information:

Bolton's joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA) website provides a wealth of information about the health and wellbeing of Bolton people and factors influencing it.  The website provides statistical information on the Bolton population, data and information on Bolton as a place (including an indepth look at neighbourhoods), as well as information on population health. 

Here are some statisitcs taken from the JNSA and the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

An image which displays the statistics listed below


  • Bolton's population is 295,963.


  • 26% of the population live in an area that is among the 10% most deprived nationally, while 56% live in an area that is among the 30% most deprived.
  • There are 145,907 men (49% of the population) and 150,056 women (51%).


  • 63, 674 of the population are aged 0-15.
  • 30, 992 are 15-24.
  • 150, 574 are 25-64
  • 50, 721 are 65+.

Pregnancy and Maternity

  • There were 3,453 births in 2021.
  • 32.8% of births in 2021 were by non-uk born mothers.
  • 14,930 stay at home to look after their family / home.


The population is:

  • 72% white
  • 20% Asian / Asian British
  • 4% Black/ Black British / Black Welsh / Carribean / African
  • 2% Mixed / Multiple Ethnic groups
  • 2% other
  • 28% are from communties facing racial inequality.

Marriage Civil Partnerships

  • 105,505 are married
  • 362 are in civil partnerships

Sexual Orientation and Gender Indentity

  • 5,695 LGBT+ Community
  • 1,469 residents have a different sex than the one registered at birth


  • 26% have no religion
  • 47% are Christian
  • 20% are Muslim
  • 2% are Hindu
  • 1% are other religions


  • 25,980 are care unpaid carers
  • 190 care leavers


  • 18% of those aged 16+ have a disability
  • 9% have a long term health issue or disability which limits their day to day activities a lot.

Armed Forces Veterans

  • There are 7,345 veterans.

Bolton Workforce Information:

Pay and Organisation Structure