Adult's social work
Discover more about the teams you could work with:
Community Learning Disability Team
District Teams – North, South and West
Early Intervention in Psychosis
Intermediate Tier Social Work Team
Bolton Assessment Service
This team is part of the front door assessment service into mental health, offering comprehensive initial assessments and signposting to appropriate services such as mental health teams, Primary Care Psychology or other appropriate support.
Community Mental Health Teams
GMMHT Greater Manchester Mental Health Team provides mental health treatment, support and guidance for people of all ages living in Bolton and offer day care, in-patient care and community services.
Community Learning Disability Team
This team, consisting of multi-disciplinary staff, provide a borough wide service for people with a diagnosed learning disability. They focus on an asset-based approach to transition to adulthood, and assessment and support planning combining personal budgets with universal and voluntary services.
District Teams
These are 3 distinct neighbourhood based teams North, South and West who provide an assessment and care management function for adults over 18. They all focus on an asset based approach to assessment support planning, combining personal budgets with universal and voluntary services.
Early Intervention Team
The team assists anyone over the age of 18 who is new to the Council and appears to have a social care need, with the overall aim being to assist people in remaining independent for as long as possible. They provide advice, information and signpost to universal services and local voluntary groups.
Early Intervention in Psychosis
The team assess and analyse information and risks swiftly to identify the most appropriate course of action and/or signpost on to relevant teams, taking appropriate steps to reduce, prevent or delay needs for care and support for the people of Bolton.
Home Based Treatment
The team is made up of multi-professionals, supporting people who are currently in a mental health crisis or having a relapse of their existing mental illness and require intensive support. We provide a rapid assessment and treatment in their own homes or community venues, as an alternative to an inpatient admission.
Independent Living Service
The goal is to enable customers to continue to live independently in their own homes by providing equipment and making modifications that meet their needs.
Integrated Discharge Team
The multi-disciplinary team works closely with the Trust and the Integrated Care System (ICS) to arrange the safe and timely discharge of patients from the Royal Bolton Hospital.
Intensive Support Team
This team provides specialist, multi-agency support to those individuals who have a learning disability, additional complex needs or individuals with offending histories who have, or are at risk of having, contact with the Criminal Justice System. People are supported to maintain their place within the community or to return to the area from long term in-patient settings.
Intermediate Tier Social Work Team
This team offers care service to avoid unnecessary admission to hospital, support timely discharge from hospital, avoid premature admission to long-term residential care and to promote faster recovery from illness. Staff provide ongoing support for people receiving intermediate care as well as assessments of future care needs.
Principal Social Worker Unit
The team leads the development and workforce across the Adults Social Care service.
Safeguarding Adults
This multi-agency service is the single front door for all safeguarding alerts for adults over the age of 18. They deal with new safeguarding concerns and enquiries, oversee all safeguarding investigations, and undertake overarching safeguarding investigations where multiple individuals are at risk or where there are concerns regarding a specific provider.
Transition Team
This team supports clients aged between 14 – 25 who have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP). You will work closely with a wide range of health care professionals to carry out typical tasks such as needs assessments and support planning.