Letters and documents
Upon attending unauthorised encampments in the borough, Council officers provide clear guidance and information to travellers occupying an encampment, on a number of matters including the below information:
A Code of Conduct for Unauthorised Encampments on council land
Standards of behaviour on unauthorised encampments should be the same as those expected of the wider settled community. We have produced a code of conduct which we will expect to be followed in unauthorised encampments. This code will be made available to both the settled and traveller communities.
Intimidation from and towards the unauthorised encampment will not be tolerated.
You are occupying this location illegally. You are requested to vacate it as soon as possible/within 24 hours. This council is considering what, if any, legal action to pursue in line with its protocol on unauthorised encampments.
Whilst you are on this location, please:
- Keep groups small and inconspicuous.
- Drive and park vehicles safely and consider your own and others health and safety.
- Do not engage in acts of vandalism or criminal damage.
- Do not create a hazard to road safety or health and safety.
- Look after the land on which you park and do not cause problems for nearby residents.
- Do not allow the site or surrounding areas to become polluted with household, human or trade waste.
- Consider the dangers of fire, electrical cables and generators and passing traffic.
- Do not dump or burn rubbish and leave the land clean and tidy.
- Keep animals, especially dogs, under control.
- Co-operate with those responsible for the land (e.g. Local Authority Officers) and do not park on land needed for another purpose i.e.; Parks and Country Parks, Playing Fields and Playgrounds and areas of special scientific or nature interest.
- Do not block Rights of Way with vehicles, property, clotheslines and cables or block the progress of walkers or riders in any way. • Do not intimidate or threaten the landowner, his agents or any other persons having legitimate access to the land.
- Once any agreed period of occupation has run out, the site must be vacated and not be reoccupied.
- When encamped within earshot of residential properties do not run generators after 10.00pm, or before 7.00am.
- Do not engage in noisy work activities during the hours of darkness.
- Do not go to the toilet in public view, and do clear up afterwards.
- Respect the local community.
If anyone causes a nuisance, or is anti-social or abusive to anyone or identifiably involved in dumping of rubbish we will always seek to prosecute as quickly as possible.
Any crime, disorder and criminal activity will always be reported to the Police.
Guidance for Traders who visit a Consumer’s home
If you visit consumers’ homes then you need to read this.
You commit a criminal offence if you:
- Fail to provide a consumer with written details of their 14 day right to cancel
- Make false claims about the need for work to be carried out at the consumer’s property
- Ignore a request to leave someone’s home
- Display logos of, or in any way indicate that you are a member of, a trade association or other body when you are not
- Say that your job or livelihood will be in jeopardy unless the consumer buys the product or service
- Engage in any unfair, misleading or aggressive trading practice, for example:
- taking a consumer to the bank to get money to pay you
- starting work before a consumer has given you permission to do so
- Make inaccurate claims about risk to personal security if the consumer doesn’t buy the product or service
- Falsely claim the product or service will be available for a limited time only
- Invite consumers to buy one thing with the intention of selling them something else
While you are in the Bolton area officers from the Trading Standards Service may carry out unannounced visits to inspect your paperwork, your vehicles and your business practices. Further action may be taken where any breaches of the law are identified.
How can I get further advice?
If you require further information please the Trading Standards Service at:
Tel no: 01204 336586
Email: trading.standards@bolton.gov.uk
Web: www.bolton.gov.uk/trading-standards/fair-trading
In offering the above advice, this Authority wishes to make it clear that only the Courts can interpret the Law
There is an unauthorised encampment on council land - general information
The Equality Act 2010 makes it unlawful to treat someone less favourably because of a range of protected characteristics, including colour, race, and nationality, ethnic or national origins. The following of a nomadic lifestyle is lawful, it is a culture that is recognised and protected through legislation. Romany Gypsies and Irish Travellers have been granted protection under the previous Race Relations Acts.
The decision to adopt a travelling lifestyle where Housing need is met through living within a vehicle either on a long- or short-term basis is made by a wide variety of people for various reasons. It is therefore important that Gypsies and Travellers are not denied the right to mainstream services that the council provides.
What we will do
- Visit the unauthorised encampment to conduct an assessment and issue the code of conduct, and the trading standards guidance leaflet
- Liaise with key partner agencies
- Serve direction under section 77 (1) of the criminal Justice and public order act 1994, stating they must vacate the land within 24 hours.
- If they do not leave as requested, we will apply to have this listed in court. Once we have a court date we will serve the encampment a court summons under section 78 of the criminal Justice and Public Order act 1994, informing them of the court date.
- Attend court for removal of trespassers on council Land.
- When the order is served they must leave the land in a reasonable time (typical period is 7 days)
- If they do not comply, we will continue to liaise with the police to assist and enforce the court order.
- Once the travellers have left; the site will be cleaned and restored as soon as possible.
What you can do
- Any criminal Activity or anti-social behaviour must be reported to the police on the 101 number.
- If you require any further information, please email housingservices@bolton.gov.uk or phone 01204 338721
There is an unauthorised encampment on private land - general information
The Equality Act 2010 makes it unlawful to treat someone less favourably because of a range of protected characteristics, including colour, race, and nationality, ethnic or national origins. The following of a nomadic lifestyle is lawful, it is a culture that is recognised and protected through legislation. Romany Gypsies and Irish Travellers have been granted protection under the previous Race Relations Acts.
The decision to adopt a travelling lifestyle where Housing need is met through living within a vehicle either on a long or short term basis is made by a wide variety of people for various reasons. It is therefore important that Gypsies and Travellers are not denied the right to mainstream services that the council provides.
What we will do
- We will visit the encampment and carry out an assessment. Issue information from trading standards of illegal trading and penalties.
- We will notify the landowner of the encampment and notify the police if not already aware.
- We will liaise with the landowner to advise them of their responsibility to take action to remove the unauthorised encampment.
What you can do
- Any criminal Activity or anti-social behaviour must be reported to the police on the 101 number.
- If you require any further information, please email housingservices@bolton.gov.uk or phone 01204 338721