Families, Early Years, school and education

Schools and education

Families from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) communities can attend the Achievement Cohesion and Integration Service (ACIS) - Support for families new to the UK

Send an email to acis@bolton.gov.uk

Telephone: 01204 338055

Address: Achievement Cohesion and Integration Service (ACIS)
ACIS International
Family Centre
Shepherd Cross Street

Families and Early Years support

Bolton Family Hubs and Start Well Centres are places where families with children under the age of five years and beyond can share the joys and challenges of parenthood. They offer a range of activities and integrated support services to help you with every aspect of parenting, so your child gets the best possible start in life.

Bolton has a number of Family Hub and Start Well sites that you can access.  For a full list of our centres please visit the contacts page on our Family Hub website.

For a full list of all the family services and support available through our centres please visit the Family Hub website.

Bolton Families Information Service offers free information on early education and services for children, young people and families in Bolton (including help with childcare costs).  To find out more about the support you can access please view the Families Information Service webpage.