Good News Story - March 2024 - Katie

Katie joined the Restart Program in July 2023 with some barriers to her motivation to find a job, she received advice and guidance with the help of her Restart Advisor who helped her get 2 jobs.
Katie joined the Restart programme in July 2023. At the time her CV needed updating and she had barriers around motivation, time management, qualifications and her work history, as well as issues with her mental health. Katie’s Restart advisor Trish helped update her CV to better reflect her work history and any gaps in employment and supported her with issues around housing and her domestic situation.
Katie was successful in obtaining a few jobs whilst new to Restart, but these did not last as the hours were insufficient and roles were not suitable. Trish helped her find additional positions and shifts when she fell out of work, helping Katie to keep her confidence which had been badly affected. Trish also provided support with a laptop to help with job searching along with free wi-fi.
Katie attended The Workshop’s National Apprenticeship event between Monday 5th and Friday 9th February 2024, attending with 12 other PPT’s. The course entailed a focus on motivation and confidence, ways to address barriers and how to use this to move on in your future career. There was also an opportunity to meet employers and apprenticeship providers and a thank you social event for PPT’s.
Katie currently has two jobs, a waitress role in a local café and a kiosk attendant at a football stadium. Trish is continuing to support Katie, who is feeling positive about the future, meeting new friends and has lots to look forward to.