Private rented sector landlord schemes
We are currently updating our webages and Private rented sector inicitivies. In the interim please see the details of schemes which are currently on offer below.
Lease Management
Do you have a property in the Bolton area which you would like to lease to the Council?
You could help us provide high quality, affordable and accessible properties to meet local housing demand.
We would be responsible for managing the property on your behalf and the tenancy agreement will be between the tenant and the Council.
The following are some of the benefits of leasing your property through Lease Management:
- Guaranteed rental income for the term of the lease (usually 5 years)
- Rent paid quarterly in advance (set at Local Housing Allowance rate LHA rates)
- No void periods
- Full tenancy management with no advertising or management fees
- Tenants are vetted, educated and supported
- Regular property inspections
- Long term security
- Safety Checks – including annual gas safety checks at no cost to you
- We would be the main point of contact for the tenant
Private Rented Support Schemes
The Council also have initiatives available to support landlords in managing their properties and supporting the rehousing of Bolton residents.
Some of the benefits of these schemes are:
- Intense / flexible support from a ‘Housing Navigator’ to support the client to sustain their tenancy
- Possible rent top up on LHA rate LHA rates
- Help with bonds, deposits and Help2Rent insurance
- Affordability assessment for the tenant on any suitable property found. (involving our Money Skills and advice Service).
- Help claiming benefits
- Help to set up bills
- Assist clients in accessing any other support services that they require.
- Ensure that the property meets a minimum property standard, and that the property has undergone all required safety checks on furnishings and gas and electrical services.
- Carry out tenancy health checks at regular intervals throughout the tenancy
Incentives may vary depending on scheme and support needs.