Finding a tenant

You can advertise your property in a number of ways:

  • local newspapers and magazines
  • shop windows and notice boards in supermarkets
  • through a letting agent or a managing agent

Arranging a viewing

  • you should be able to answer any questions that a prospective tenant has about the property
  • emphasis the good features about the property
  • give the viewers time to discuss the property alone
  • if the prospective tenants show an interest, explain further checks will be made until you make your decision

Before a tenancy is agreed

Pre-tenancy checks may be carried out before you let your property.  These may include:

  • obtaining references
  • proof of identity and/or proof of current address
  • proof of income
  • proof of Home Office documents – this can assist you to understand their legal status in the UK

If a person cannot provide some of the documents you have requested, it may be advisable to carry out credit checks or ask for a guarantor.

You have the 'right to rent' if you are a British Citizen, Citizen of a country in the EU or EEA, Citizen of another country with no time limits on your permission to live in the UK.

A tenancy agreement is a legally binding document between landlord and tenant and sets out the terms and conditions of the rent contract.

Tenancy agreements can also be purchased from Oyez

Tenancy Deposits

As a landlord you must use one of the three government accredited deposit protection schemes

Rent arrears

  • your tenant may be eligible to claim housing benefit
  • if they already claim housing benefit and they already owe more than eight weeks rent, you could apply to have the payments paid directly to you

Property repairs and maintenance

Problems in a tenancy

If your tenant abandons the property without telling you, in the eyes of the law, they are still classed as the tenant until you obtain a court order for possession, or by a surrender, or similar act by the tenant.

Always seek advice – information on Notices and possession procedures is available from housing advice services.