Fees and Charges
We will make a charge for administering and issuing a licence.
Fees must however, reflect the actual costs of licensing a property and have a structure which is fair and transparent.
A licence will last for a maximum of five years, although it may be issued for a shorter period in certain circumstances.
HMO licence fees and charges
Properties up to 9 rooms | £858.96 |
Charge per additional room above 9 | £24.66 |
Finding unlicensed property owner | £196.99 |
Licensing Reminder Letter | £20.09 |
Inadequate application letter | £20.09 |
Inadequate certification | £20.09 |
Failure to provide plans / plans not satisfactory | £20.09 |
Request for a copy of the HMO public register | £30.00 |
Refunding of HMO licence fees
You will be entitled to a refund of the licence fee in the following situations:
- on review of an application we decide that the property does not need a license at the time of application (for example, it falls under one of the exemptions)
- a duplicate application is made.
Refunds will not be provided in the following situations:
- the property needs to be licensed at the time of application
- the property is sold at any point during the application process
- we refuse the application and do not grant a licence
- you withdraw the application at any point during the application process
- we revoke (take away) the licence
- we vary the licence and reduce the amount of time it remains operationally valid
- the property is refused planning permission.
The fees are not connected to the length of a licence. If you no longer need a licence and request a revocation before it expires, we can't give a refund for any unused time.