Frequently asked questions

A number of new telegraph poles have been installed across the borough as telecoms companies work to deliver faster broadband to homes in Bolton.

Under a planning law known as 'permitted development', companies can install communications equipment up to 15 metres tall without first getting permission from us.

Under permitted development planning laws, companies do not need planning permission to install poles up to 15 metres tall. Because of this, there is no legal requirement for a consultation period with local residents or businesses.

Because poles under 15 metres are covered by permitted development, we have limited powers to stop new ones from being installed. However, if the poles are blocking the highway or driveways then we can take enforcement action.

Attaching broadband cables to telegraph poles, means the companies can provide internet without having to dig up roads, driveways or front gardens.

The installations are part of work being undertaken by a number of communications companies to improve Bolton's digital infrastructure.