The process
Once you have submitted your application you will receive an acknowledgement letter by post or by email if you have given us an email address.
If you do not submit the correct documents with your planning application we will return it to you with the reasons why.
Letters and notices
We send out letters to neighbours, arrange site notices and press notices to be displayed (depending on the type of application you have submitted).
We also consult statutory consultees, parish councils and different sections of the Council on the proposed development. Normally these groups and individuals have three weeks to respond.
We may need to contact you (or your agent) about changes that need to be made to your application.
Planning case officer
Each application is assigned a case officer. If you have questions about the progress of your application, speak to your case officer using the contact details in your acknowledgment letter.
Consultation and consideration
Whilst we are consulting on your application your case officer will visit the site.
Once the consultation process has ended, we will consider the proposal against the development plan policies and any other material considerations, relevant documents and standards.
The Planning Committee
Most applications are dealt with by planning officers but some applications (see the scheme of delegation) are considered by the planning committee. Planning committee meetings are usually held every four weeks at Bolton Town Hall and are open to the public.
To speak at the meeting about a planning application that is being discussed contact the Democratic Services team using
Decision notices
The type of application you have submitted will depend on how long it takes for a decision to be made.
When a decision has been made we will send you a decision notice confirming the decision.
If the application is approved it may contain conditions that you need to follow.
Conditions either need to be met before work begins on site, during construction or after completion.
If permission is refused the reasons will be given and the appeal process explained.
Check the progress of your application
You can view your application online and view the documents linked to your application.