What do I need to submit?
The information that you need to submit with a planning application is contained on the Council’s validation checklist. The validation checklist is a guide designed to help developers, applicants and individuals identify information required to be submitted in support of a planning application.
We will strive to work with applicants and developers to ensure we only request information that is needed, ie material to the decision to be made.
Bolton Council has recently reviewed its validation checklist to bring it up to date and in line with changes to national and local planning policies that have taken place since the current 2013 validation checklist was adopted.
The up to date validation checklist can be found here.
What happens when you submit an application?
Your application will be considered against the criteria outlined within this document. If all the information is provided as outlined in the ‘national requirements’ section of this checklist, then the application is assessed against the ‘local requirements’ required by Bolton Council. If there is essential information missing, from the application, then the application will be deemed to be invalid.
About this guide
This guide is not exhaustive. There may be specific circumstances where we may request the submission of additional documents either during the application process or prior to the validation of an application, particularly for larger scale developments.
Similarly, there may be occasions when documents set out in this checklist are not required. If you consider that a particular document is not required, you should provide your justification for its omission within a covering letter when the application is submitted.
What happens if information is missing?
If your application is missing relevant validation information you will be advised in writing of what you will be required to provide in order to make the application valid. You will normally have 14 days to provide that information.
If the correct information is received, within this timescale, then the application will be validated and processed accordingly. Where an application is deemed to be valid, the date it will be recorded as valid will be the same as the date upon which the fee or final document required by this checklist is received.
Where an application remains invalid after the expiry of the 14-day period or if it would be unreasonable for the LPA to retain the invalid application due to the length of time required to provide the information, we will terminate the application and return the fee to yourselves as the planning agent.
Request for additional information
The council will endeavour to identify all the information that is required prior to the validation of the application. However, it may become apparent through the consideration of the application that additional information is required to enable the officers to properly assess and determine the application. Where such information is substantial the application could either be refused or you may be asked to withdraw it and resubmit when the information is available.
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