Update on Bolton Council’s response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Partners come together to ask for your help to reduce the spread of COVID-19
“As pubs, restaurants and other leisure facilities re-open, we’re coming together to ask for your continued help in reducing the spread of COVID-19 in Bolton because it’s clear to us that the virus hasn’t gone away.
“We know that you’ll want to show your support to local businesses but if you do want to go out this weekend please follow the simple measures that can keep you, your families, friends and neighbours safe: wash your hands regularly, wear a face covering and keep two metres apart. If you start to feel unwell with any of the symptoms of Covid-19 please remember to immediately isolate and book a test.
“Now’s not the time to become complacent: We still have among the highest infection rates in the country, with numbers continuing to rise and are still on the Government’s red alert watch list
“Sadly, our hospital is continuing to see a steady number of people needing treatment for the virus, including a growing number of patients requiring critical care. Even more regrettably, we have seen an increase in the number of Covid related deaths.
“For further information on how you can help us control the spread of the virus in Bolton, please check the FAQs section of the Bolton Council website including a reminder of the legal restrictions that are still in place.
“Your public services continue to be here for you now and for however long it takes. We want to remind you that your NHS services in Bolton are open for you whatever your health needs. If you need to contact your GP please do so. If you have been invited to the hospital for diagnostic services such as tests and scans or treatment for conditions such as cancer please keep your appointment. We are doing all we can to keep these services safely open.
“We also know that people might be continuing to struggle. If you require help or support at this time, Bolton Council’s humanitarian support hub is here for you. Visit bolton.gov.uk for more information.”
Dr Helen Lowey (Director of Public Health, Bolton Council), Dr Wirin Bhatiani (Chair - NHS Bolton CCG) and Fiona Norden (Chief Executive - Bolton NHS Foundation Trust).
Restrictions eased as Bolton brought in line with Greater Manchester
Bolton has been brought in line with the rest of Greater Manchester.
Stricter restrictions had been in place in the borough since last month in response to a sudden rise in COVID-19 cases.
Bars, pubs, cafes, restaurants can reopen. Table service only and must close between 10pm and 5am. Delivery services only after 10pm (late night license required after 11pm)
The rule of six applies if you are visiting bars, restaurants, pubs, cafes with other households, though the council is advising people from different households not to meet
Indoor play including soft play areas, bowling alleys, casinos, conference centres, exhibit halls can also reopen with appropriate precautions in place
Previous advice against restarting indoor theatrical or concert performances no longer applies
Up to 15 guests will now be allowed at weddings and 30 can now attend a funeral
It is still against the law to meet people you do not live with in homes or gardens, inside or outside of the borough, unless they are in your support or childcare bubble.
Bolton businesses to benefit from new Covid-19 Local Restriction Support Grant
Bolton businesses can apply for the new Covid-19 Local Restriction Support Grant, providing them with £1000 or £1500 every three weeks.
The grant aims to help those businesses hardest hit by the local Covid-19 restrictions such as cafes, bars and restaurants.
Eligible businesses must apply via the online application form.
Grant payments can be made to businesses from 1st October 2020 and the applications will be administered by Bolton Council’s Business Rates Team. Any enquiries should be emailed to businessbolton@bolton.gov.uk
Pop-up cycle lanes work underway to provide safe travel options and ease pressure on public transport
Work has started to install temporary pop-up cycle lanes on two key routes across the borough, to encourage more active travel.
Bolton has received a share of a £3.1m government grant awarded to Greater Manchester to boost cycling and walking.
The measures are part of the Safe Streets Save Lives campaign, Greater Manchester’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.
This will help to provide a safer option for those who have got on their bikes on the quieter roads during lockdown and wish to continue to do so with confidence.
The aim of Safer Streets is to provide safe spaces for those choosing to take their journeys by foot or by bike whilst public transport has limited capacity.
Reception class admissions for 2021
Applications can now be made for Reception 2021, online only at www.bolton.gov.uk/admissions
The information booklet for this admission round can also be found on the same page along with notes of guidance about the process.
The closing date for applications is 15 January 2021 and the National Offer Day is 16tApril 2021. Offers will be emailed from 7am on this date.
For the latest updates
Transport for Greater Manchester (Link no longer live). |