A public inquiry into a refusal of planning permission and a planning enforcement notice served against homes at Grundy Fold Farm, Horwich will be held virtually next month.
The hearing will open on Tuesday, October 6 at 11am and anyone wishing to take part is asked to contact the Planning Inspectorate.
The inquiry follows an appeal by Elendra Raja against the refusal of planning application 05083/18 and the enforcement notice issued by Bolton Council’s planning department
The enforcement notice alleges that five dwellings and a garage building were built on the site without proper planning permission, along with alterations to land levels. The planning refusal was on Green Belt and landscape grounds.
Appeal documents can be viewed on the Council’s website bolton.gov.uk/planning under planning application 05083/18.
The inquiry will be held by John Murray, a solicitor and inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government.
Anyone wishing to participate or observe can do so via Microsoft Teams (an account is required) or by telephone (calls are to an 020 number, which will incur charges).
If you wish to participate, think carefully about the points you wish to make. Written submissions from previous planning stages will already to be taken into account.
To register, contact Planning Inspectorate case officer Paul Eland on 0303 444 5307 or via email at paul.eland@planninginspectorate.gov.uk.