Work is underway to install approximately 140 flashing speed signs outside schools.
Flashing advisory 20mph speed limit signs are being put in place outside 60 schools in the borough.
Bolton Council is introducing the signs with the aim to reduce vehicle speeds and to make the borough’s roads safer.
There will be flashing amber hazard warning lights on the signs, along with a ‘children crossing’ warning sign to urge motorists to be aware of their speed. A sign will be installed on each approach to the school.
Installation of the poles and signage outside schools has started, with the first signs set to become operational next month.
The flashing lights on the signs will be controlled by a centrally managed system and switched on at school drop off and pick up times. They will not be in operation outside of these times or outside of school term time.
The programme is being funded from a one-off £1 million capital investment agreed by councillors last February. Other projects such as driver feedback signs which indicate to a motorist how fast they are driving are also being funded through the £1 million pot.
Bolton Council’s Executive Cabinet Member for Environmental Services, Cllr Nick Peel, said: “We have made an ongoing commitment to improving road safety and hopefully these signs will encourage motorists to slow down.
“A child has a much better chance of survival if they are hit by a car travelling at 20mph rather than 30mph. Motorists can help us make the roads around our schools safer for pupils by co-operating with the new advisory limits.
“We are introducing these signs outside schools alongside the introduction of 20mph speed limit areas on residential roads across Bolton.”