On behalf of NHS Bolton Clinical Commissioning Group, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, Bolton Council and Bolton CVS
We are in unprecedented times as we deal with our biggest ever public health emergency.
The worst of the coronavirus crisis is still to come and we must steel ourselves as a borough for what lies ahead.
Right now, health and social care services, the council and voluntary sector are rising to the challenge.
And we need everyone who lives and works in the borough to play their part: to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives.
As always, Bolton Council, NHS Bolton Clinical Commissioning Group, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, and Bolton CVS are working as a team to put the needs of our community first.
We’re doing everything we can to limit the spread of the virus and ensure health and other essential services can cope.
Our focus is on making sure those who are most at risk are protected and shielded, given appropriate support and advice via existing services and the new council Humanitarian response and that those who do fall ill are given the best possible treatment.
Please do what’s required - to help us to help you …
Stay at home and only go out for the four essential reasons: to buy food and essential supplies, to access medicines or treatment, for work or for exercise near home.
And don’t forget to maintain social distancing and keep up with the thorough and regular handwashing. This will help to stop the virus from spreading.
We also understand how difficult it is not being able to visit your GP practice right now. GPs are still working night and day, but they’ve had to change the way they carry out appointments.
Bolton Council has also set up support hubs at two locations for the most vulnerable residents to access food and other essentials, advice and understanding. Head to bolton.gov.uk for all relevant details.
Our voluntary sector is also working differently with less face-to-face working. If you are able to volunteer to help support vulnerable people during the coronavirus crisis get in touch via www.boltoncvs.org.uk
As our once busy streets fall quiet, and non-essential businesses close, rest assured that teams in the NHS, social care and the council, as well as volunteers, are working behind the scenes to support you and keep you safe, secure and informed.
We know it’s difficult to not be able to do many of the things you enjoy and take for granted at the moment. But it is for a good reason and we hope, like all of you, that normal life will return soon.
Now, more than ever, we need to be kind to one another. Act like you have the virus yourself and don’t want to spread it; stay at home; look after one another. Everyone has a part to play. We’re all in this together.