If you have been told stay at home at all times to avoid any face-to-face contact (shielding), and have no friends or family who can support you please call us on 01204 337221.
The council has set up an emergency contact number for the extremely vulnerable people, who have been told to stay at home at all times and avoid any face-to-face contact (shielding), and who have no family or friends to support.
This group includes organ transplant recipients, those undergoing immunotherapy and people with specific conditions (see the full list). If you are in this group, you will receive a letter from the government with further instructions.
Contact 01204 337 221, if you, or someone you care for, have received a letter from the government and require support.
The number will be open 8.30am – 5.30pm Mon – Fri and Sat 9am – 1.30pm.
We will talk to you about your most urgent needs such as food, medicine or other requirements.
Alternatively, tell us about any help you need using the online form and we'll arrange for someone to call you back within 24 hours.
The Bolton Response Hub will then get those items to you or respond with other services. The hub is manned by staff from the council and our partners, plus volunteers.
If your charity or volunteer group would like to help with the coronavirus response, please contact Bolton CVS at info@boltoncvs.org.uk or 01204 546 055.
If you are not in one of these extremely vulnerable groups and have concerns please see www.bolton.gov.uk for the help available or ring 01204 333 333.