A £532,000 scheme to improve a key road junction in Bolton town centre is now complete.
The busy Manchester Road and Green Lane junction has undergone a four-month upgrade programme to benefit all road users.
Engineers have improved the layout of the junction by changing the position of traffic islands, upgrading the traffic signals and resurfacing the junction and its approaches. This will improve traffic flows, increase junction capacity and reduce congestion in the area.
The new, improved layout of the junction will also make it easier and safer for pedestrians and cyclists to use.
The work was funded by the Greater Manchester Local Growth Deal and was delivered by Bolton Council and Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) as part of the Salford Bolton Network Improvement (SBNI) programme.
Bolton Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways, Councillor Elaine Sherrington, said: “This was an important and necessary improvement programme to a busy junction.
“We would like to thank motorists and residents for their patience while the work has been carried out.”
Councillor Andrew Fender, Chair of the TfGM Committee, added: “It’s great that the work undertaken at this junction is now complete.
“Seemingly small improvements like these at key points in the road network make a positive difference to many journeys.
“The SBNI programme, across a number of specific areas within Bolton and Salford, is designed to make the transport network more efficient overall, improve pedestrian safety and provide better access to employment and education opportunities, health and leisure.”
The next step in the SBNI programme will be improvements to the junctions at Loxham Street and Egerton Street, with work planned to begin in the summer.
For further information about the scheme, visit www.tfgm.com/sbni or contact the council by email at highways@bolton.gov.uk.