Bolton’s residential roads could be in line for a major cash boost of £10 million.
A report has revealed the council’s new plan to help fix roads across the borough.
Much needed improvements to combat continued deterioration of residential roads would be paid for by a £7m loan funded by dividends from shares in Manchester Airport, together with £3m income received from capital receipts from the sale of council buildings.
Bolton Council’s Cabinet will be asked on Monday (July 8) to approve putting together a programme of work, and authorise borrowing a low-interest rate £7m loan.
Subject to approval, each ward could receive an equal share of the pot - £500,000K – and councillors will work with highways officers to come up with a programme of work defined by engineering priority.
Leader of Bolton Council, Cllr David Greenhalgh, said: “We made a commitment to invest an additional £10m into our roads and that is why we want to create a new fund.
“Time and time again we hear that roads in our residential areas need urgent attention.
“We know that £10m will not fix everything but it will go some way to helping all of our communities across the town.”
Deputy Leader of Bolton Council, Cllr Martyn Cox, added: “The state of our roads is an issue that affects everyone in our town as well as anyone who visits.
“It is an issue that is brought up regularly and we want local councillors to work with officers to ensure best value for money.
“The whole borough will benefit from this investment.”
The council’s Cabinet will meet on Monday, July 8 to consider the proposals.