A landlord was handed a £5,000 fine after he ignored repeated warnings to improve the condition of a home he rented to a local family.
Damage caused by a leaking roof at a rented property in Chorley Old Road, Bolton
Bolton Council officers first visited the rented property, also in Chorley Old Road, in December 2016 following a complaint made to the Housing Standards Team. A number of hazards were identified as well as a significant accumulation of waste in the back yard.
A further property inspection was carried out in June 2017 after the family contacted the council to report a leaking roof.
On both occasions, the council stepped in to carry out the work after Hussain ignored months of reminders and warnings to fulfil his legal obligations.
In December 2017, one year after the Housing Standards Team first visited, the tenants contacted Bolton Council to advise they had decided to move out.
The court found Hussain had failed to comply with both an Abatement Notice under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 issued in July 2017 and a Housing Act Improvement Notice served in August the same year.
He was fined £2,500 for each offence and ordered to pay a £250 victim surcharge as well as £940.81 in costs. The decision was reached in his absence.
Bolton Council’s Executive Cabinet Member for Housing Services, Cllr Nick Peel, said: “Nobody should have to live in unsafe or unsuitable accommodation.
“Whenever possible, we try to work in partnership with private landlords to make sure their properties meet the required legal standards.
“But when landlords refuse to cooperate, we will not hesitate to take the strongest possible action.
“This decision sends a clear message that we will not tolerate landlords who ignore their responsibilities and make their tenants’ lives a misery.
“If tenants are concerned about their property we would encourage them to get in touch with us.”
Tenants can contact the council’s Housing Standards Team on 01204 336500 or e-mail housingstandards@bolton.gov.uk.