Published: Monday, 19th Feb 2018

A £260,000 scheme to resurface the junction of Blackburn Road and Darwen Road in Egerton starts on March 5.

The improvements between Stanrose Close and Brierholme Avenue are part of the council’s borough-wide road maintenance programme.

The main resurfacing work will be carried out during the weekends on March 10, 11, 17 and 18, and temporary traffic lights will be in use. Some preparatory and related work will take place on weekdays but this will be kept to a minimum.

Residents and businesses will be able to access their properties and the scheme is expected to be finished by March 25 subject to the weather.

Bolton Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, Cllr David Chadwick, said: “This is a busy junction and we are making every effort to minimise disruption by carrying out the resurfacing at weekends.

“I apologise in advance for any inconvenience and I thank motorists, residents and businesses for their patience while these key improvements take place.”

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