A housing scheme that supports young people has been awarded almost £500,000 to expand one of its projects.
Bolton Young Persons Housing Scheme (BYPHS) was awarded a Big Lottery Reaching Communities Grant this week.
The organisation will now use the cash for its CHANCES project, which supports young people ages 16 to 25, who have already been homeless and are living in BYPHS’ temporary accommodation but are continuing to struggle.
The young people may have experienced a range of issues including mental ill health, sexual exploitation and domestic abuse.
The project was originally funded through Comic Relief in 2014 and has kept going thanks to additional grants, including one from Bolton Council’s Community Empowerment Fund.
The lottery grant will now ensure that Bolton Council is able to continue to offer children in its care a range of work experience opportunities and enhanced routes into employment.
To find out more about the Community Empowerment Fund, visit www.bolton.gov.uk/cef.