Bolton Council is urging residents to have their say on proposals to find £9.1m of cuts for next year’s budget.
Like councils across the country, Bolton continues to face a challenging financial situation.
It is looking for ways to balance its legal responsibility to deliver a balanced budget with the need to protect vital services.
Last night the council’s cabinet agreed to consult on proposals that would see over £9m cut from the budget for 2024-2025.
As set out in the report, cuts would be found across various council departments.
However, no final decision has been made and the results of the consultation will be considered before the budget is presented to the full council in February 2024.
The leader of Bolton Council, Cllr Nick Peel, said:
“I want to encourage people to take a few minutes to look at these proposals and assure them that what they say will be seen and considered before any final decisions are made.
“We have a legal duty to balance the council’s budget, and we will always attempt to do this through improved efficiencies and with the minimum impact on services.
“That said, these challenging times for council budgets have continued year-on-year, and the reality is that difficult decisions about cuts to services will have to be made.”
The consultation runs until midday on Tuesday January 9 and is available online.