Improvement works will take place at the Manchester Rd / Trinity St / Bradshawgate / Bridgeman Place junction and the adjacent Manchester Rd / Lower Bridgeman St junction.
The construction works start on site on Monday February 14 and are expected to last approximately seven months.
The junction works will link into the recently completed Cyclops (Cycle Optimised Protected Signals) junction improvements at Bradford St / St Peters Way and Newport St / Trinity St.
The principal feature of a Cyclops junction is an orbital cycle route that separates cyclists from other modes of traffic.
Work will include resurfacing, repositioning of islands, traffic signal upgrades and other improvements.
The £2.15m project has been funded by the Greater Manchester Local Growth Deal and is being delivered by Bolton Council and Transport for Greater Manchester as part of a set of wider highway improvements included within the Salford Bolton Network Improvement Programme.
There will be lane closures throughout the works to enable them to be carried out safely.
Most of the carriageway resurfacing work will be undertaken at night or at weekends, where some road closures will be required.
Dates and details of any closures will be posted in advance on site. The junctions will remain open to traffic at all other times.
Bolton Council’s Executive Cabinet Member for Highways, Cllr Stuart Haslam said:
“These works are all part of a wider scheme of improvements to make Bolton town centre roads safer and easier for travel.
“Road safety for all users of our roads – pedestrians, cyclists and motorists – is the main priority of all these schemes and by providing more space for pedestrians and cyclists; this should improve safety and help traffic flow better around the town centre.”