A special summer edition of Our Bolton, the council’s community magazine, is available to read online now.
The magazine’s theme is “rediscovering summer” and focuses on exciting upcoming events including the Bolton Food and Drink Festival.
It also includes a tribute to Cllr David Greenhalgh, celebrating his life and achievements as the leader of Bolton Council.
The 16-page magazine can be read on the council website.
Our Bolton is a quarterly publication offering news and updates on community issues and council services.
It is normally delivered to 120,000 households across the borough, but this latest edition will be predominately digital-only.
A limited print run of physical copies will be distributed to libraries and other council buildings for those who cannot access the online version.
A spokesperson for Bolton Council said:
“Like councils across the country, we produce a regular magazine to keep residents informed about our services and upcoming events.
“Unfortunately, disruption caused by the pandemic means we have not been able to deliver Our Bolton to residents as normal.
“But with so much going on this summer, we wanted to take this opportunity to shout about it in this special digital-only edition.”