Me-Learning: even more online courses for the same price!
We have updated our Me – Learning platform and extended our online learning library to over 200 online courses.

We have updated our Me – Learning platform and extended our online learning library to over 200 online courses.
Raising awareness of suicide prevention in Bolton.
Free collaborative sessions for primary school SENCOs to exchange ideas and problem solve to meet children’s needs
Due to high demand, more Foundational ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) & Trauma Awareness Training sessions have been added.
One more "Take Care" self-harm awareness training session has been added to the Mental Health training programme.
Schools in Bolton are invited to take part in shaping the School SEND training offer.
Free Suicide Prevention training is available in Bolton.
Mouth care training programme for care and nursing homes
Open Access Learning Platform is our new free e-learning package available instead of Moodle.
Holiday, Activities and Food (HAF) Training Programme is available for HAF providers in Bolton.