Council Tax
We know that this is a difficult time for our residents and that the COVID-19 virus is having a significant impact on the economy.
Your Council Tax pays for essential services to Bolton residents including Social Care. If your circumstances have not changed it is really important that you continue to make the payments as set out in your bill.
If you are struggling to pay your Council Tax
We are currently developing plans to provide further help for residents that are in financial difficulty. Please keep checking back to this page for further information.
In the meantime, if you are struggling to pay your council tax, there is help and support available. You can access the existing Council Tax Hardship Scheme and other support initiatives such as the Local Welfare Provision Scheme.
Local Council Tax Support
If you're on a low income you may be able to get help towards your council tax. You can apply if you are working, or unemployed.
You’ll still need to pay 12.5% of your bill unless you are of pension credit age.
You can apply for council tax support if you:
- live at the property
- pay council tax
- have a low income, or are entitled to a benefit paid by the Department for Work and Pensions or the Pension Service
- have capital of less than £3000, if you are working age; or £16,000 if you are of pension credit age
Also, it may be useful to check that you have claimed all the benefits that you are entitled to including Universal credit.
The COVID-19 Response Hub can be contacted on 01204 337221.
Overdue Council Tax
Council tax recovery action has been suspended for 12 weeks, which means no summons or reminders are currently being sent out.
The Government have outlined a number of benefits which you may be entitled to if you are out of work due to Coronavirus including Statutory Sick Pay and Universal Credit.
There are further benefits available to residents on this web page, including heating and housing benefits, carers and disability benefits and benefits for families.
A new website has been launched to provide clear, factual information on employment and benefits support with advice on housing, furlough, sick pay and self-employment, alongside advice and FAQs for employers, those already claiming and those making a new claim.
Money Advice
If you are experiencing financial difficulties, there are lots of services that can provide free advice and support.
Bolton's Money Skills Service - help with a range of issues including high energy costs, budgeting guidance and dealing with debt.
Tel : 01204 332916
Bolton Citizen's Advice Bureau
Tel: 03444 111 444
National Debt line
Freephone: 0808 808 4000
Step Change Debt Charity
Freephone: 0800 138 1111
The Switch
A useful article with advice on how to save money on energy during COVID-19.
School Meals
National voucher scheme - If you receive free school meals, the Government has issued updated guidance on free schools meals. A national voucher scheme has been set up for those schools that cannot provide pupils with meals or food parcels.