Section under review.

The information provided within this section is currently under review.

Customers should not rely on the accuracy of the information and make further enquires as required.

You can search for council land or property in the Bolton area.

  • Property is marked with a red pin
  • Boundaries of land is marked in blue

The information may not be to exact scale and should be viewed for indicative purpose only.

Search for council land and property holdings

Enquire about land or property

How do I find out who owns private property?

Please contact the Land Registry by telephoning:

  • 0300 006 0411 or
  • 0300 006 0422 or the
  • Customer helpline 08448921111

They will only be able to assist you if the land is registered.

If the land is subject to development proposals, you can search on the planning system for further details.


Telephone: 01204 333333

Address: Corporate Property Services
Town Hall
Victoria Square