Education, training and employment
We want you to succeed in your education, training and employment. We will ask you how you are doing and be ready to celebrate your achievements with you.
We will offer you:
- careers information and advice
- if you attend a Further Education College we will help you to apply for the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund
- if you attend University, a bursary of at least £2,000 will b e provided to help with the costs of being at university which could include accommodation and living costs. This is paid for the duration of your chosen course
- support to access tools, equipment, essential clothing, and books
- support if you choose to go to university, such as helping you obtain tuition fees and maintenance loans, travel costs at the start and end of term, and making sure you have somewhere to live during the holidays. We will help you choose the right course and university that matches your talents and interests
- support to help meet your transport costs when travelling to training, school/college, apprenticeships or job interviews
- opportunities for work experience, apprenticeships and employment within the council
- the chance to attend and help organise celebration events when young people achieve education, training and employment milestones for example, graduation
Bolton’s Virtual School promotes the education of looked after Children from early years all the way to post-16. A Virtual School is not a teaching institution but a way of bringing together the educational information of all our looked after children as if they were in a single school.