Catteries / kennels

Licensed catteries or kennels
Licence Number Star rating Name Expiry Date
137709   Barkingham Boarding Kennels & Cattery Premises closed
133541 5 Brook Farm Cattery 01/07/2026
142048 4 Bundara Bengals 09/11/2025
24388 3 Copper Beech Boarding Kennels 01/07/2025
144888 2 Kearsley Boarding Kennels 05/12/2025
129748 5 Ladyshore Grange 30/07/2027
24381 5 Little Lever Cattery 31/12/2027
114980 5 Moss Hall Farm Cattery 31/12/2024
131467 5 Moss Top Boarding 05/02/2025
135356 5 The Cats Other Mother 07/12/2026
24377 3 The Mews Cat Hotel 01/07/2025