How can we help?
If you are aged 18+ and need support because of illness or disability, or if you are caring for someone and need help with your caring role, we can give you information and advice on what help may be available.
Options for people who are struggling to continue living at home
- how to get help at home, such as Community Meals or Home Support
- information about support for carers
- specialist help, for example if you have mental health or memory problems
- adaptations or equipment to make it easier for you or your carer
- sensory difficulties – if you are having problems with your eyesight or hearing
- find out about social activities or luncheon clubs
- information about short breaks or long term residential care
- information about paying for social care
- if required, we can also re-direct you to other organisations
Adult Assessment and Care Management
North: General Enquiries - 01204 337240
Duty - 01204 331149
West: General Enquiries - 01204 337680
Duty - 01204 333410
South: General Enquiries - 01204 337717
Duty - 01204 338863