Admissions out of normal age

There may be occasions where parents of a child applying for a secondary school place in Bolton wish their child to start school in a year group that is not normal for their age.  This may be where a child has experienced problems, such as ill health, has previously been taught out of normal age at another school , or where the child is extremely gifted and talented.

How do I request for my child to be admitted to a different year group than their date of birth indicates? 

If you are applying for a place a year below the normal age, you will need to apply at the usual time when the child would be due to apply, i.e. in the September after the child's 10th birthday and no later than 31 October.

If you are applying for you r chidl to move to secondary school a year ahead of normal, you will need to apply a year ahead, i.e. in the September after the child's 9th birthday and no later than 31 October.

The request must be made at the time of application. Requests should be emailed to and include the reasons for the request and any supporting information available.  The admission authority for the school may contact the child’s previous school for information.

What supporting information would be useful for me to submit?

It would be helpful if you are able to provide information from your child’s current/last education provider on their progress towards learning goals.  If your child has previously been educated out of normal age please provide evidence of this. If your child has involvement from any support services (consultants, paediatrician, speech and language etc) it would be useful to provide information in relation to this.  It is also useful to know if your child was born prematurely and when their due date would have been had they reached full term. If your child has any special educational needs it would be useful to submit information on these as part of your request.   (Any child with an Education, Health and Care Plan should talk to the Special Educational Needs team about a change of school). Your request to start your child a year late and any of the above additional information should be emailed to

How will I know if my request has been agreed?

Your request and the information you submitted will be considered by the admission authority for the school(s) you listed on your application.They are required by law to consider all the information and make the decision in the best interests of the child.Their decision will be communicated to you in writing giving reasons for their decision.

How long will this decision take?

If you submit your request by 31 October of the application year you will be provided with a decision on your request within 6 weeks of 31 October. 

If my request is not agreed, can I appeal?

There is no right of appeal against the admission authority’s decision.

If your request is agreed, but your child is not offered a place at the school under the oversubscription criteria for the school you have the usual right of appeal.

If your request is not agreed, and you are offered a place in the child’s correct year group at the school there is no right of appeal.

If my request is agreed, will my child be able to stay in that year group until they finish school?

The decision to admit out of the normal age is that of the admission authority for the school. Therefore, if you child moves school for any reason, then the decision will be reconsidered by the new school. There is no guarantee they will agree to keep your child out of year group.