Making your application

What additional information do I need to provide?

If you are applying for a faith school under the faith criteria, you must ensure that any additional information required by the school is submitted to the school by 31 October. (Please note supplementary forms for Canon Slade school only must be submitted to the school by 11 November)

Medical information for your child to support your application must be submitted by 31 October.

If you are moving house, confirmation of your new address and proof of residency must be submitted by 31 December. Information submitted after that date cannot be used until after the offer day in March.

How does the equal preference system work?

You can apply for up to three schools, all applications are considered at the same time and the admissions criteria is applied equally. If we are unable to offer a place at your first choice of school, we will offer your second, if we are unable to offer a place at your second school, we will offer your third. Where we are unable to offer a place at any of your preferred schools, we will find the nearest school to your home address that has a place.

Example 1
Preference School Process

Bolton St Catherines Academy

A place could be offered under the admission criteria for the school


Canon Slade

Completed supplementary form and has enough points to be offered a place under the school’s admission criteria


Kearsley Academy

A place could be offered under the school’s admission policy

The admissions process shows that a place can offered at all three schools. A place is allocated at Bolton St Catherines Academy as the parent’s first choice


Example 2
Preference School Process


A place could not be offered under the admission criteria for the school


ESSA Academy

A place could be offered under the school’s admission policy


Kings Leadership Academy

A place could be offered under the school’s admission policy

The admissions process shows that a place could be offered at both ESSA Academy and Kings Leadership Academy. A place is allocated at ESSA Academy as the second preference and the child is added to the waiting list for Ladybridge.


Example 3
Preference School Process

Bolton Muslim Girls School

A place could not be offered under the admission policy for the school


St James CE

A place could not be offered under the admission policy for the school


Mount St Joseph

A place could not be offered under the admission policy for the school

The admissions process shows that a place cannot be offered at any of the preferred schools. The child is added to the waiting list for all three schools and a place is allocated at the nearest school to the home address that has places remaining after all preferences for that school have been processed.


Can I make changes to my application?

Changes can be made to your application up to the closing date on 31 October, you must make sure that you resubmit your application each time you make a change.

If you are moving house your address can be amended up to 31 December providing proof of your change of address is submitted. Proof can be a copy of your council tax bill, utility bill, tenancy agreement or a completion letter showing purchase of your new property. Evidence or changes of address received after 31 December will not be processed until after offer day in March.

What happens if my child has SEN?

If your child has an Education, Health & Care Plan, your child’s primary school will discuss secondary school placement at your child’s review in either Year 5 or Year 6. You should apply online by 31 October 2024.

If you are considering a place at a secondary special school for your child, this will have been discussed at your child’s annual review. You can identify your preference of special school on the form, but also need to identify your preference for a mainstream school in case your child is not offered a special school place.

What happens if I have shared parental responsibility for my child?

If you have shared parental responsibility, we advise that both parents agree on the school preferences before applying, only one application can be processed. Where a child spends an equal amount of time with both parent’s, the address used will be the registered address i.e., the address held by a GP, or the address that child benefit is paid to. Failure to reach an agreement may result in your application being suspended until both parents can reach a mutually acceptable decision and their school preferences.